Things I learnt from the book “7 Habits of Highly Effective People “

Shivani Jha
4 min readJul 20, 2018

I am not here to give you any tips or tricks to be highly effective like the the millionaires or billionaires. I am just here to tell you the difference between what you think is right and what actually is right.

Be proactive :

Ask a question to yourself What’s the difference between sitting and cursing the government for the threats or corruption going on and hoping to change the world .

Rather than

Thinking about the things that can be in your control and through which you can enable yourself to push forward and bring a change in other people’s life .

Things that you can control rather than wasting time and declaring all the politicians as frauds.

The first and foremost habit of Highly Effective People is to be highly proactive

“Don’t wait your ship to come in , swim out to it.”

Begin with the end in mind

People are so busy in playing short term games and then expecting a long term result.

That they forget it’s a game of marathon not a sprint .

What is the best thing you are going to say standing in front of your graveyard?

Yes, on the day when you will die. When you begin your idea, think about the long term effect whether it’s your product, your company, your goals and even your dreams.

When you think macro you don’t care about micro things.

The criticism, the fear and the failure they would be like the rocks which give the direction to the river so that it can flow constantly.

Think win win game

“Build your tallest building in the city but help others also to raise their buildings high “ — Gary vanerchuk

You don’t know the essence of synergy .

Suppose there is an apple tree but you are not tall enough to reach it, your friend was crossing along the way where he saw you and then helped you to reach the bark while putting yourself in a synical energy with him.

You both worked together and that too for each other .

Put first things first

How many of us have set priorities for the things but still do the things in the reverse order.

It’s not about setting your goals uphigh it’s about completing it.

Completing that first article.

Completing that first book

Completing that first blog

That’s need to be done first.

First understand rather than being understood.

You love people who listen right still you feel lack of getting understood.

The answer is they only listen, they never understand.

This traits of Highly Effective People separates them from rest of the crowd beacause they listen and understand people.

Their pain points, their hopes , their fears and try to solve it.

This develops a strong connection between the two individual because we all want to be heard but no one wants to listen.

“Any fool can know the point to understand — Albert Einstein”

Sharpen the saw

“I would spend 55 minutes defining the problem and 5 minutes solving it — Albert einstein"

We hate when it takes long; we hate it when we have to wait and we even hate it when we have to be patient.

But you know what good things take time.

The tree that you are shovingly trying to cut and ruthlessly beating the axe to cut the roots from almost 50 min.

Take those 50 min to sharpen your axe it would hardly take 5 minutes to chop the tree down.

But, yes it will need hard work, it will need patience that is what makes a difference between the highly effective people and the ordinaries.

So before jumping on to any tricks and tactics for changing your life just jump on this book.

Follow the things from a different and a new perspective that will be the big day of your life when you will start looking at things in a way different then others.

Thanku for reading ☺

